Feeling and Body Oriented Depth Counselling

Intensive Training Groups


See comments from participants of past workshops:
Irish Intensive 2005 & 2006
Toronto October 2005

Australian Workshop 2003 & 2004
Heidelberg Germany Workshop 2007, ,2008 ,2009

One Man's Journey Through a Seven Day Workshop

Website home page - www.paulvereshack.com

What exactly are the underpinnings of a Feeling and Body Oriented Depth Counselling practice? How do we create "The Wide Open Field of Permission" that is so necessary for this work? What exactly do therapists do, why and how do they do it?

Dr. Paul Vereshack, B.A, M.D., D.Psych. is a Canadian Deep Emotional Process Facilitator of forty five years experience and the author of the book, "The Psychotherapy of The Deepest Self," which is fully available on his web site as, "Help Me - I'm Tired of Feeling Bad."

The intensive training courses will be done in a small group, limited to 12 participants. We will work for six hours a day, using each other as subjects to experience first hand the issues connected with this, or any other very deep emotional work.

We will specifically focus on the art of reflecting back to our clients what they are struggling with, at the conscious, almost conscious, and unconscious levels, and will examine the issues that arise in both client and facilitator at each level.

It is expected that participants will both read the free on line book of instructions and the free on line DVD at Paul's web site www.paulvereshack.com both of which discuss all of this in detail.

This course, because we will use ourselves as subjects for demonstrating deep emotional principles, requires that if necessary, each person be prepared to handle in themselves very high levels of psychological tension. Participants must be able to contain, and where they wish, to process powerful feelings. We make every effort to create a safe environment using modern group and depth process principles. No one is ever pressured to take part in processing feelings on the mat although it may be suggested. None the less these groups can cause powerful feelings to arise, and anyone attending is expected to understand that this is a teaching program and not a treatment facility. Previous therapy experience as a client is expected, as is an understanding of very deep emotional process methods and procedures as set out in Dr. Vereshack's on line book and DVD mentioned above.

The Training Groups: Can be two to seven days in length and are open to anyone who has adequate therapy experience as well as understands and fits the above criteria.

Groups are structured int he following way

Hours: 9:00 AM till Noon and 2:00 PM till 5:00 PM.

Must be provided by the group requesting the workshop and is not included in the fees.

In Canadian

For a seven day group: $950 per person

For shorter groups costs depends upon distance travelled and general expenses.

Accommodation and meals are not included in this fee.

Non refundable deposits of half the fee, are due with the registration.

Paul will send a short history form to each applicant.

Contact Person,

Paul Vereshack
Email: emotionalsupport@paulvereshack.com
Phone: Canada
Office/Mobile, 416-606-3117


Paul Vereshack M.D (Licence retired)




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